正规赌博十大网站 History

The Coffman Building
The Coffman Building

十大赌博正规平台在线(正规赌博十大网站) 是明尼苏达州最古老的两年制公立学院. 这所专科学校是由布朗博士提议创建的. 在1915年,查尔斯·梅奥在市中心的科夫曼大楼上课. 学院于1968年夏天迁至现址. 一年后,职业技术学院成立,提供15个课程. 十大赌博正规平台在线成立于7月1日, 1996 when legislation required state community colleges and technical colleges co-located in the same city be merged into a consolidated college.

Letter from 1915罗彻斯特社区与技术学院是美国十大赌博正规平台在线协会的成员之一 Minnesota State system, which comprises 30 two-year colleges and seven state universities serving the higher education needs of Minnesota and is governed by a Board of Trustees. Minnesota State (an agency of the state of Minnesota) is dedicated to providing students with a wide array of opportunities for lifelong education in both technical and academic fields, 从短期证书到博士学位. Minnesota State’s 54 campuses in 47 communities throughout the state offer tremendous opportunities for students to achieve their goals.

位于明尼苏达州第三大和发展最快的城市, 正规赌博十大网站’s 518-acre campus serves as a hub for the education and workforce development needs of the region. Our mission is to 让学生在不断变化的环境中茁壮成长, 通过提供接受特殊教育的机会,实现社会多元化, and our vision is 成为通往世界一流学习机会的通用门户.

该学院每年招收大约7000名学分制课程的学生. 另外3,000人在非信贷和基于信贷的劳动力计划中服务. 学院拥有包括教职员工在内的近600名全职和兼职员工, staff, and administration.

十大赌博正规平台在线 offers 70 credit-based programs with more than 130 credential options in the areas of liberal arts, allied health, business, services, and technical career pathways. The College’s largest programs include liberal arts, nursing, allied health, and business. 各种教学方法被用来支持学生的学习. These include face-to-face, online, internships, on-the-job training, clinical, cohort, and interactive television. 正规赌博十大网站 is among Minnesota State’s largest generators of online learning credits in the system which now accounts for nearly 19 percent of credits sold. A variety of educational partnerships are also in place to provide learning opportunities for our students. These include diverse articulation agreements with other higher education providers and affiliate programs with the Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences. In addition, students wishing to finish a four-year degree can take their first two years at 十大赌博正规平台在线-earning an associate degree-and then transfer to finish a bachelor’s degree. The College has teamed up with Winona State University Rochester to establish the “Path to Purple” program that allows students to complete their first two years at 正规赌博十大网站 to earn an associate degree and then complete their last two years at WSU to attain a bachelor’s degree.

In addition to its educational programming, 正规赌博十大网站 offers a comprehensive student life program. 这些机会包括社会活动, speakers, varsity athletics, intramural sports, honor societies, and music, to name a few.

罗切斯特社区和技术学院校园 (Main Campus Buildings)

Four buildings were ready for use when the college made its 1968 move to the forested hillside about a mile east of the city. The structures included Goddard Library and classroom buildings; Endicott Hall for technology and business classes; the Charles Singley building, housing all chemistry, biology, and physics labs, as well as lecture halls; and the Administration building, 哪一个是当时的行政办公室和学院书店.  校园的下一个新增项目是Rockenbach, a gymnasium/physical education complex, and Plaza West, which now contains faculty offices, numerous classrooms, the student newspaper office, and a 200-seat lecture hall.


The campus continued to grow with three more additions marking the next phase of construction. 行政办公室所在的学生服务大楼, the counseling center, and a health service area was first. The art building came next, representing one of the most outstanding studio facilities of its kind in the upper Midwest; an immense north window in the structure provides proper lighting to three floors of studios. 东广场大厦完成了这一部分的建设. 它提供了一个多功能的护理实验室和员工办公室. 接下来的两个主要项目是学院中心和剧院.  As the student union, the Center is aptly named, since it is at the center of students’ lives here. 学院剧院是明尼苏达州东南部最好的剧院之一. 它可容纳350人,并拥有先进的电子和音响系统, 以及一个完整的场景制作车间和更衣室. 1987年,它被命名为希尔剧院,以纪念退休的RCC主席查尔斯. 希尔于1953年至1982年在该学院任职.


The Bubble

A classroom building opened on the campus in the fall of 1986 to initially house the Rochester Center of Winona State University at a cost of $2.9 million. 广场西大楼于1988年更名为纪念馆. 这座大楼里摆放着牌匾和肖像,以纪念前学院员工.  The campus further evolved in late 1989 with the completion of a $16 million construction project. 该项目包括重建图书馆, the administrative building, 以及戈达德大厦的下层, which housed the business office, bookstore, Student Support Services Program, and the duplicating services area. New construction included a continuing education area featuring spacious conference rooms and state-of-the-art equipment, 还有一座单独的建筑作为托儿中心.  耗资1 700万美元的扩建设施于1993年完工, which houses student services areas, classrooms, computer and science labs, 以及一些互动电视教室.   随着新设施的建成, the University of Minnesota Rochester joined 正规赌博十大网站 and WSU Rochester in a single physical location.  The University of Minnesota later relocated to its own downtown facility in the fall of 2007.  The Rochester Sports Center facility (a collaborative effort between 正规赌博十大网站 and the City of Rochester) was opened in May of 2002, 技术中心的改造也于2002年完成.  2007年,前罗肯巴赫体育馆被改造成健康科学中心, 这是一个最先进的设施,为正规赌博十大网站和WSU-R提供联合医疗项目.  最新的体育校园发展包括罗切斯特地区体育场, which includes an artificial turf winter domed facility making it available for use year-round.  The Stadium originally opened in 2008 but was expanded in 2015 to include additional seating to accommodate up to 5,000 spectators.

In May 2018, the Minnesota Legislature approved a bonding bill that included $23 million for the Plaza-Memorial Hall project.  这个项目将包括拆除旧广场和纪念堂, 在恩迪科特大厅和科夫曼中心附近建造一座新大楼, 并翻新了许多主校园空间.  该项目于2018年12月开始,并于2020年8月完成.

Fall 2021 brought a new partnership and 70 new high school students to the 正规赌博十大网站 campus through the PTECH-535 collaboration.  PTECH is an education to career pathway program for high school students focusing on in-demand fields.  参加PTECH-535课程的学生将获得高中和大学学分, and will graduate with a college degree in either Information Technology or Practical Nursing.  RPS/正规赌博十大网站 PTECH学校是明尼苏达州的第一所PTECH学校.

正规赌博十大网站 Heintz Center (West Campus Buildings)

罗彻斯特社区和技术学院校园的海因茨中心 位于海因茨中心的原始建筑于1969年完工.  Additions were made in 1976, 1978, and 1979, which doubled the size of the cafeteria, added classrooms, 并为技术项目扩大了店铺.  The Horticulture Technology Center was added to the existing buildings in 2002 to provide academic and community resources in a horticulture facility.  校园间道路也于2002年完工, 连接正规赌博十大网站东、西楼(海因茨中心), 包括明尼苏达州的第一个环形交叉路口.  The former Minnesota Riverland Technical College-Rochester Campus facility was dedicated as Heintz Center on May 9, 1997. The building was named after Dr. Emil Heintz, founder and first Director of Rochester Area Vocational Technical Institute. Dr. Heintz从1966年到1973年担任董事. Dr. Heintz had served as Dean (CEO) of Brainerd Junior College from 1938 to 1944 and Dean of Rochester Junior College from 1944 until 1966. 海因茨中心位于1926大学观路.  Most recently, the Heintz Center underwent additional expansion with the Workforce Center/CareerForce addition which opened in the Fall of 2014, and the CTECH/STEM Village building, 也通过当地的销售税资助, opened in August of 2016.

正规赌博十大网站 Heintz中心位于1926 College View Road.

Name Changes Through the Years

Community College:

  • University Department (1915)
  • Rochester Junior College (1917)
  • Rochester State Junior College (1964)
  • Rochester Community College (1973)

Technical College:

  • 罗切斯特地区职业学院(1969年)
  • 罗切斯特地区职业技术学院(1974年)
  • Rochester Technical Institute (1997)
  • Rochester Technical College (1989)
  • 明尼苏达河地技术学院(1991)

Merged Community and Technical College:

  • 十大赌博正规平台在线(1996)